- BSw: Back Sweep
- DDBB: Double Downward Backfist Block
- DFB: Downward Forearm Block
- HBS: High Bird Stance
- IB: Inward Block
- KH: Hook Kick
- MG: Monkey Grab
- OB: Outward Block
- OSH: Outward Sidehand
- RP: Reverse Punch
- ShS: Shuffle Step
- SK: Snap Kick
- SS: Sparring Stance
- STK: Side Thrust Kick
- TS: Twist Stance
RP | | | 2 |
FSw | | | 1 |
IB | | (ROW) ⇈OB/MG | |
SS | | | |
1: This is a short sweep; the defender is trying to hook the attacker's leading foot forward to get em to overcommit eir weight onto eir front foot.
2: There's a slight syncopation to the rhythym here; the punch doesn't follow immediately, but rather waits until the attacker has settled the bulk of eir weight on eir front foot. The monkey grab from the preceeding action is maintained at this point; the defender should pull back on the grappled arm while executing the reverse punch, effectively pulling the attacker into it.