Source: short_forms_rank_2.xml
This group of short forms is required for promotion from Rank 1 to Rank 2.
- BF: Backfist
- BS: Bow Stance
- CS: Cat Stance
- DBB: Downward Backfist Block
- DBF: Downward Backfist
- DE: Downward Elbow
- DPB: Downward Palm Block
- E: Elbow
- FS: Front Sweep
- G: Guard
- HP: Horizontal Punch
- HS: Horse Stance
- IB: Inward Block
- IFT: Inverted Finger Thrust
- IS: Inward Smash
- IntB: Intercepting Block
- KT: Knee Trap
- MG: Monkey Grab
- MK: Mule Kick
- NS: Natural Stance
- OB: Outward Block
- OS: Outward Smash
- RBS: Reverse Bow Stance
- RP: Reverse Punch
- RSBK: Rising Side Blade Kick
- S: Stomp
- SB: Scoop Block
- SK: Snap Kick
- STK: Side Thrust Kick
- TH: Twist Hit
- UB: Upward Block
- VP: Vertical Punch
- VSH: Vertical Sidehand
- C: Chin
- LIF: Left Inner Forearm
- LIW: Left Inner Wrist
- T: Temple
Short Forms 6 - 10
Short forms 6 through 10 are performed in an unbroken sequence like short forms 1 - 5.
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| Short Form 7 |
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| Short Form 6 |
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| Short Form 10 |
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| Short Form 9 |
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Not actually a horizontal punch; hand is held out as though a punch had just been thrown.
The twist hit, scooping block, and backfist should be strung together in one smooth, circular motion. The transition from bow stance to reverse bow and back to bow stance should match the timing of the strikes.
Pivot right foot outward in preparation for front sweep.
Maintain blocks while performing kick.
Not actually a vertical punch; hand is held out as though a punch had just been thrown. Maintain upward block throughout short form 10.
Transitory cat.
Short Form 11
Short Form 12
Short Form 13
Guard is open-handed in this case.
Short Form 14
Short Form 15
Turn right foot out in preparation for front sweep.
Remainder of technique assumes that defender pulls lead foot up and doges sweep.
The sweep missed, so step forward and pull the attacker into the knee trap.
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